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Raoul Manuel: A Youth Leader in Service of the Youth

Published March 22, 7:51 pm

by Van Aliyah T. Ponce, Elizabeth O. Rein Amaranto


PHOTO BY Kabataan Partylist

"The light of fire is a base of honor." This quote by Leandro Alejandro was said to be the driving force that guides Raoul Danniel Abellar Manuel towards achieving his life goals. 


Manuel is a Filipino activist and politician who is currently running as the first nominee of Kabataan Partylist for the 2022 election. He has been a student leader since elementary school and maintained it until college.


He joined the National Union of Students of the Philippines back in college then joined the Kabataan Partylist to represent the youth in congress. He is also a former student regent at the University of the Philippines Visayas.


The personal experiences he has gone through pushed him to represent the whole youth. Leandro Alejandro’s quote and vision pushed him to go outside of his comfort zone and help those in need while facing challenges as he fights to achieve the greater good with Kabataan Partylist.


A student activist turned politician for the youth


"I believe that a person cannot stay enclosed in a box," he stated when asked about his dream college course. As a typical high school student, Manuel had a hard time choosing a course. He added that he was not a fan of specialization. 


However, he always had law school in mind although it wasn't in his immediate goals. Eventually, he pursued Applied Mathematics and after graduating, he was elected as the leader of the Student Council Alliance of the University of the Philippines. 


This opportunity deepened his relationship with the law, according to Manuel. His experience as a student leader fueled his drive to become a lawmaker in Congress.


Manuel had also enjoyed simple moments as a college student, "in college, I really enjoyed getting in touch with nature," he added.


Carrying on the role of being a youth representative


Being at the forefront of representation can be challenging, Manuel said. "We don’t only carry our personal experiences but also those of the youth," he added, talking about the struggles of being in position.


Manuel also discussed the challenges they may face if they win this election, "while we are in congress, we never lose sight of what we do outside congress."


Manuel stated the importance of public pressure both inside and outside the congress. While in position, they strive to still continue with protests and the formation of organizations that cater to the youth.


When asked about his opinion on the consistent red-tagging of youth by the AFP-PNP, he did not hesitate to condone this act.


 "These acts are mere reflections not of the youth, but of the people in power," Manuel added that there is nothing wrong with what the organization is fighting for.


The consistent red-tagging of the youth shows the government's approach to governance which puts them into question. "If the government can really solve its problems, they won't result in silencing people who raise those issues," he quipped.


In service of the youth inside and outside the Kabataan Partylist


Raoul Manuel finds deeper satisfaction in serving the youth. “There are setbacks, ups, and downs but we'd like to look at it as part of the process," he stated.


He added that through the struggles they face as an organization, they find ways to improve their service.


When asked about his career plans in the future, Manuel did not hesitate to answer, "for as long as the need arises in the sector, the Kabataan Partylist will always have to take action."


He vowed to stay committed to his service and to look for other platforms to serve. As for his personal career plans, "we remain open with options," Manuel answered. 

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