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A hope for a home: Forming families beyond blood

Published April 20, 2:40 AM

by Patricia Audrey Borja


What everyone undeniably fears the most but does not admit to is being abandoned during the most vulnerable state of our lives. But some of us do not have a choice, especially children. On January 6, 2022, President Rodrigo Duterte signed Republic Act No. 11624 or the Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child Care Act, a law that helps make adoption easier for Filipinos.

Patricia Audrey Borja

In RA 11642 it is declared as the policy of the State to ensure that every child remains under the custody of their biological parents and is provided with love, care, understanding, and security until the child is fully and harmoniously developed. A child can only be placed for adoption by someone they are unrelated to if it is proved that their biological parents are lacking to provide their essentials for proper growth and development, and when no extended relative is available to adopt them instead. However, the number of unadopted, abandoned, and neglected children that are in and out of orphanages is still at 1.8 million. 


Some couples that want to be parents are trying to adopt when their desire to build a family comes face to face with infertility. However, some people do not want to adopt a child that is too damaged psychologically or would be more of a handicap than a blessing to their future home. 


Others say that it is better to just try everything to bear a biological child because the process is intimate and the love is true. These people have clearly underestimated the power of love and family. 


Family is not only biological, family is the bond you form with other individuals, the bond that never breaks through thick and thin. Your first love will always fail you and your first experience of love is biological, that is why you try to seek the love you deserve and the one deserving of your love from another individual that is outside of your biological spectrum.


According to some people who adopted, their adopted children completed their home. Hoda Kotb, an American broadcaster, said that they have so much love in their house to give and that they are willing to give that to the children that need them. 


Judy Ann Santos, a multi-awarded actress, said that the words 'adoption' and 'adopted' are beautiful because someone out there wanted you and chose you to be part of their lives. Angelina Jolie, actress and humanitarian, said that all adopted children are a beautiful mystery that you can discover and learn from. 


One big problem of the world is overpopulation which leads to many others. And this is why adopting is highly encouraged. But before adopting one must not only be financially stable and physically fit, but they must also be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for a child and raising them.


 It is true that a biological connection can never be denied, but you cannot also deny the beauty of connecting to a complete stranger and being given the opportunity to love and care for them unconditionally. Emotions aside, the government should also put a hand in promoting adoption when talking about family planning. 


Adoption is a fearful challenge that is understandable, but only nothing comes out of doing nothing so we must take action and hopefully be able to give a home and love to the abandoned and neglected children in and out of the orphanages.

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