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Widespread of sub-variant in the US

Published May 22, 8:47 PM

by Julia Alexis D.S. Hilario


This week, numerous citizens in the United States faced the rapid spread of a new omicron sub-variant called BA.2.12.1 due to people disregarding the safety protocols.



The new variant of the Omicron virus has rapidly increased in the United States and is estimated as the most widely circulated strain.



As Stated by Peter Hotez of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, the new strain is growing as many Americans abandon protective measures such as wearing masks and fears of contracting the illness in the country fade.



However, coronavirus cases are on the rise in the United States. Every day, more than 90,000 new illnesses are reported in the country, which is more dominant than the current month. Infections with the new subvariant are also becoming more prevalent.

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