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The Un-Favorite Child for leni-kiko

Published May 25, 6:08 PM

by Julia Alexis D.S. Hilario


PHOTO BY VP Leni Media

The current election was unforgettable, especially the presidential campaign, many of us have known so many people that promote their president and numerous memes went viral during the election. One of the people we see campaigning that imprints our minds is Janine Patricia Robredo the daughter of Vice President Leni Robredo who has been known as the un-favorite child. 


Tricia is the middle child of Mrs. Robredo, and she became more popular when she identified herself in every campaign as "Ang hindi paboritong anak." Additionally, many interviews with Tricia went viral on social media, especially when it’s about the unfavorite child. And one of those is on YouTube.


She said in the interview “I graduated from med school and I got my degree”. She added “Pero yung post pa rin ng nanay ko mas mahaba nung nag graduate yung younger sister ko nung grade school. (But my mom’s post is still longer when my younger sister graduated from grade school)”.


During the presidential campaign, many netizens made different placards and one of the trends is the "Mga hindi paboritong anak for Leni-Kiko." Moreover, people liked how Tricia shared their family story.


Tricia and her family talked about it openly, and they didn’t take it as an envious thing because her mother gave fair attention to them. That’s why even though netizens make memes about it, Tricia does not get offended.

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