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Previously, on The Reign of Terror

Published April 10, 10:35 PM

by Jared Magayaga


Before the administration of Duterte comes to an end we should look back on how our country faces a reign of terror. A cycle of cruelty and fascism is evident while Duterte is in the seat. 

Jared Magayaga

The war on drugs is responsible for the death of over 12,000 Filipinos and most of them are in an urban poor state, And among those are children under the age of 18 that have been shot by accident during drug raids, the "collateral damage" as the authorities refer to.


The Majority of these killings are not properly investigated. According to the Department of justice, 76 deaths have led to investigations, only 33 resulted in court cases, 5 were pending and other cases have been dismissed. These extrajudicial killings cause traumas to the family members of the victims. They witness their loved ones in the streets, dead with a gun, drugs, and a placard saying "I'm a Drug Pusher/Addict". 


We should not forget, How this administration promotes extrajudicial killings as a way of fixing a broken system, How they put terror in the minds of people especially the children of the victims, how Police have a license to kill and put justice in their own hands and how the President uses his power to silence those who criticize and investigate his approach on the war on drugs. 


This is the legacy of the Duterte administration. May this legacy be a lesson to all of us that we would not make the same mistake by putting a dictator into power. 

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