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#CancelCancelCulture:Social Media Breeds Toxicity

Published April 8, 2:11 am

by Elizabeth Rein O. Amaranto


“You’re canceled!” You might have already read this line on the internet, or you may have participated in this culture too! In this time and age of social media where one’s personal life could easily be exposed, it has become evidently easier to cancel—or should I say exile someone from the cruel virtual world we reside in. One mistake—one sly click on that keyboard could turn everyone against you. What could be a small mistake, could drag your future deep down the drains of the toxic social media society.

Elizabeth Rein O. Amaranto

It is indeed human to make mistakes. It is in our very nature to be imperfect, to be flawed, and to have more room for character development. Once in our lives, we may have already done something we wouldn’t be proud of. Through this, the concept of growth flourishes—through these little mistakes we become better people. However, cancel culture very much hinders us from achieving personal development. It becomes a barrier that holds us back from evolving. 


Canceling someone blocks character development. It is to simply exile the person without giving them the chance to reflect and assess their actions. In this very culture, we breed more disrespect in society. It becomes a trend in which everyone feels required to take part. Rather than educating, people tend to hop in on the issues just for the sake of gossip. This culture becomes an excuse to bully, harass and threaten others. It becomes a vicious cycle that we live through—a path in circles to which we’ll never see the end to.


I call on to cancel culture because I believe that for a world to become better, we must allow ourselves more room for mistakes and improvement. Accountability is what makes us virtuous after all while humility is a virtue we must develop. Through educating others respectfully we may all reach a common understanding vital to achieving a peaceful community. 

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