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My learnings and where they take me

Published May 26, 2022; 12:46am

by  Shazney Kisha Fuigueroa


Growing up watching historical videos on television and the internet gave her a lot of things to learn even the slightest and most important events in history. Having the thought of what if she pursues a career that’s related to what she is fond of looks fun and exciting.

Shazney Kisha Figueroa

Studying history is fun and eye opening for everyone. As she grows up her political views widen and her foundation becomes more solid. She realized that her political opinions matter.


This election leads to her thoughts of who is the most deserving and right to lead for the sake of the whole country. We failed to give what the country deserves, we failed once again to experience what good governance is.


After elections she felt downhearted by the result, not only her but the whole country who is thirsty for change is crying with her. We might fail to elect the most deserving candidate but the journey for a wonderful life is not ending here, we are ready to face the obstacles together and fight for what we deserve.


After being awake by the histories that’s been proved she learned to be more wise to elect who is the most deserving candidate and that’s where her learning took her.

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