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The He/Him and the They/Them in the Society

Published April 9, 1:40 AM

by Vhon Andrei Manalastas


Do we achieve gender equality? Or do we only focus on women's empowerment? There are a lot of men who are experiencing discrimination because of our culture. Men have always been defined as strong, courageous, and decisive human beings but at some point, in their life, they remain silent in the face of discrimination. Society chooses to neglect the rights of men when it comes to discriminating. 

Vhon Andrei Manalastas

We see them walking around the streets with their full-grown smiles not knowing the hidden agenda inside of them. Men are human too; they feel all the emotional feelings that a normal individual would feel. They are strong, but they can be soft at the same time. 


It is not just women who experience discrimination in gender role and struggles with mental health. We need to open our eyes to the fact that men are also experiencing discrimination and suffer from different mental illnesses that may affect not only physically, but also mentally and that is normal. If they are experiencing mental breakdowns and being emotional doesn't mean that they are gay. Men also need support. Men also need to be respected. Men also require assistance when they are in the midst of mental breakdowns. 


In our present time, some men are doing women's things. Doing household work like cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children. Also, working in the laundry shop or even in the salon, that’s okay. Let’s normalize and open our minds about this kind of situation that in our life now men can do women's things, and women can do men’s things.


It is important to be knowledgeable about this kind of thing because it will help our society to have ideas to avoid harmful effects on men and not reach the point where men will require more help. If all of us respect, support, and accept each other regardless of gender, we can achieve a society with unity and equality.

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